“How Much Does It Cost To Get 19.42% Conversions?”

Here is one of the most common questions I get trickling in to my inbox:

“How much does it cost to get X conversions on my product?”

People want the hard numbers, man! They want to predict the future to the n’th degree.

But you can’t.

Not really.

There are just too many factors in play to truly make forecasting 100% reliable.

But the truth is, when you are asking that question:

” How much does it cost to get X conversions on my product?”

What you are really asking is:

How much will it cost me to make a profit?

And you SHOULD be asking that because you CAN know that answer.

Let me give you a quick example:

I recently got a Skype message from a copywriting client of mine.

He got 19.42% conversions and made JVZOO Product Of The Day.

For some copywriters, that would be a HUGE win. For my service, we get messages like that almost daily.

Just another day at the office.

But here is the part that is important:

To get 19.42% conversions and win JVZOO Product Of The Day it cost him $97.

That’s right.

$97 investment to make thousands in sales from his product.

He didn’t pay for traffic (just hustled some JV traffic).

He didn’t pay for design (did it himself).

$97 to make thousands.

(Side note: If you aren’t current offering info products for your business… do yourself a favor and start. Profit margins are insane, it requires zero employees, and you can literally get started for less than $100.)

Some people will read this email and say, “Well, that was luck. Or maybe he did something that you aren’t telling us and THAT was how he made the money.”


All has been revealed in this email my young padawan.

So, how much does it really cost to make a profit?

It costs giving up your disbelief that $97 sales copy won’t make you any money.

It’s the same price you pay for any entrepreneurship venture.

The suspension of disbelief long enough to actually take action and get something out there.

Stop listening to people who are trying to eek out that extra profit margin on their copy services and get over here:


Suspend your disbelief (a disbelief based off of marketing messages you have heard from other copywriters) for just 2 seconds and see what you are missing out on.

To your success,
