How To Practice The Art Of The Grind

There is no such thing as competition. That’s the short version of this blog post. The long version… Starts about 15 months ago… For the past almost year and a half I’ve been secretly taking a “survey” of all 1200+ clients that have come through my copywriting services business. I was looking at things like:… Continue reading

It’s Time To Rethink The Oldest And Most Hated Profession In The World…

If you engage in this profession (either as a provider or receiver) you can expect to get called names like: “Loser” “Slimy” “Dirty” “Primary reason for all of society’s problems” And a whole host of other uninformed, delusional, and idiotic phrases/names/insults. However, (and perhaps this is the real reason WHY this profession is hated) if… Continue reading

Can Trolls Really Make You Money?

No. Not just a little bit no… but argue-with-me-till-the-day-I-die certified no. Sometimes, as a person who makes their living online it’s pretty darn easy to forget that. Let me give you an example: Yesterday, for some reason, the trolling gods decided to visit me with their vengence. I was getting hammered via email, Twitter, and… Continue reading