152 Of The Best Subject Lines From The Past 90 Days

How To Increase Open Rates Without Even Trying

I have a dedicated email address that I use JUST for signing up to email lists.



Random ads on Facebook.

I sign up for ALL of them.

And I monitor those emails like a hawk.

And for the past 90 days I have been swiping the best of the best to give you… FOR FREE!

What You’ll Find Inside

We’ve got subject lines from 7 figure marketers.

Your gonna see subject lines that pull down 40% PLUS open rates.

You are going to get a complete snapshot of the email landscape with a single scan of this list.

Translation: In about two seconds you are gonna know more about email subject lines that work than 95% of so called “email gurus”.

Because this is a recent swipe of WORKING EMAILS.

Emails that are selling… TODAY.

How To Get All 152 Swipes Right Now

All you have to do is click to download from this little link right here:


And if you wouldn’t mind sharing these tasty morsels with a few friends by hitting the “Like” or “Tweet” button below, that would be much appreciated.

Now get out there and start making some money from those emails!